More than a play, “Riot On Set” is an immersive theatrical event that celebrates Hollywood’s experimental, flamboyant, and historic movie-making process, brought to life with unique intimacy.
You and your party are encouraged to arrive in vintage/formal attire, (whatever that means to you), to be “extras” in the making of a movie in 1929 Hollywood. After a brief orientation, you’re ushered into a vintage soundstage along with the rest of the audience. Everyone quickly learns they’ll be portraying party guests on the art-deco living room set as needed by the director.
Afterwards, you’re free to watch the actors, director and crew behind the scenes, preparing to film the final shots of their “talkie” in the midst of a densely comic web of personal dilemmas. Eventually, YOU play a key role in finishing the movie.
The audience is invited to wander around the soundstage eavesdropping on whichever situations interest them most. As many as five conversations unfold at any given moment. That means it’s impossible for an audience member to observe 100% of the action by attending this show just once—but the characters’ stories are interconnected, so it all comes together like a puzzle with a few pieces missing.
“Dressing up” for the experience helps the audience feel involved and helps the occasion feel special. (FOR MATURE AUDIENCES!)